Paperless education adopted in Gusu District

Source:Time:2014-10-24 09:00Views:

Pupils in Jinchang Experimental Primary School hold no pen in hand and have no text book in the class-room; tablet computers are the only thing to rely on. (Photo by Hua Xue-gen/ Suzhou Daily)

SUZHOU - The first “future classroom”opened in Jinchang Ex-perimental Primary School on Octo-ber 14. This is the first time a Gusu District primary school will use only electronic education devices in the classroom. The teacher released key points of the lesson on two electronic whiteboards and pupils worked and submitted answers using tablet com-puters.

In the “future classroom”of Jin-chang Experimental Primary School, two display screens replace the traditional blackboard. Addi-tionally, six touch screen integrated machines have been installed on the walls as well as four cameras and more than a dozen microphones, and each student has been assigned a tablet computer.

“It is more convenient now with two display screens. Students can write their exercises on the tablet computers and teachers can check and mark them immediately.said Zhang Ling, the main person who is responsible for this “future class-room”

“The modern technology is merely a tool served for a more important goal: providing a novel learning ex-perience for children.”remarked Yang Jianying, the principal of Jin-chang Experimental Primary School.

The “future classroom” teaching mode is applied on a trial basis to all classes with three subjects: Chinese, mathematics and the foreign lan-guage. Each class will take one “fu-ture classroom”class each month. The content of each lesson is inde-pendently designed by the teacher. ”Next week it would be my English class. I have prepare a topic on east-ern and western festivals and pupils have to prepare for it in order to be proactive in the classroom.” Zhang Ling explained. (Suzhou Daily)



